Pre-Construction & Construction Services
Eaton Commercial LP will provide all of the standard Request for Proposal Scope of Services for the Construction Management to perform Pre-Construction and construction Services.
The industry standard specifications and criteria for these services are very clear and encompass all of the necessary items to establish and to manage the performance of the work intended.
In addition to these services, Eaton Commercial will maintain and ensure that all communication aspects involved to perform these services will be handled in the utmost professional and ethical manner.
With regard to direct cost of work services, Eaton Commercial has the ability to provide properly submitted competitive bids for portions of:
Division – 2 Site concrete work
Division – 3 Concrete foundation work
Division – 5 Misc. metals installations
Division – 6 Rough & Finish Carpentry installations
Division – 8 Door & Hardware installations
Division – 10 Specialties installations
As mentioned, the above direct cost of work services will be submitted as specified under sealed competitive proposals at the appropriate times during GMP development services.
Eaton Commercial is committed to your proposed project, and once on board we will work closely with your selected, or our recommended Design Team to provide a complete turn key project management approach, all tailored to meet and exceed your construction management needs.